Get to Know...Dungeness Crab

The Dungeness Crab (Cancer magister) gets it's name from the town of Dungeness, Washington. The first commercial harvesting of the crab took place in this town. The crab is found in the Pacific Ocean, from Alaska to Point Conception in California. Average size is approximately 7 inches of shell width. The prefer to inhabit eel beds as well as muddy and sandy bottoms. They have been known to eat clams, fish, worms, squid and snails.
Commercial crab harvesting is typically done with the use of crab pots. These pots are set in water depths of 20-150 feet and are checked daily or every few days for crabs. Crab catch methods also include long handled dip nets that are used from boats, and short handled dip nets that are used as the crabber wades through shallow waters.
Cal Fish Exports has bait available for crabbers. Humboldt Giant Squid, Pacific Mackerel, salmon heads and more are available for purchase. Contact for more information.
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