Cal Fish News & Updates

Entries in Loligo Opalescens (3)


The California Squid

The California Squid (Loligo Opalescens) is a small squid (mantle length ML up to 160 mm). It is a Myopsid squid, and that means that they have corneas over their eyes. They are found in large numbers around the Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, and California. In the Northern Pacific, squid have been identified from the North Pacific starting at the Bering Sea all the day to the Sea of Japan. They typically live within 200 miles of the coast and generally feed off the bottom of the ocean. The life cycle of a Loligo Opalescens has four stages, eggs, hatchlings, juveniles, and adults and these squid can live for 4-9 months. 

Did you also know that California's squid fishery is the largest in the U.S. In 1996, fishermen caught a record 177 million pounds of pearlescent market squid, valued at $33.3 million?

Photo Credit: NOAA



Cal Fish Exports now has early season California Squid available for purchase.  Here are the details:

Frozen Whole Round
Size: 10-12 Count Per Pound
Packing: 10 Kilo Carton with Poly Liner
Roe: 0%
Ready for Immediate Shipment
Payment 30% Deposit to Load Container, 100% Against Faxed Documents Once Container is Loaded.
USDC Health Certificate, COO, B/L, Commercial Invoice

Please contact for more information, including photos and pricing details!


California Squid (Loligo Opalescens) is in stock!

Cal Fish Exports currently has California Squid (Loligo opalescens) suitable for bait or aquaculture feed in stock. The squid is packed in 45 pound nude blocks, and the bag that you see in the photo has been removed from each block.

Contact for more photos and pricing information.

Photo Credit: Cal Fish Exports