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California Squid for Bait - In Stock

Cal Fish Exports currently has California Squid (Loligo opalescens) suitable for bait or aquaculture feed in stock.  The squid is packed in 45 pound nude blocks, and the bag that you see in the photo has been removed from each block.

Contact sales@calfishexports.com for more photos and pricing information. 

References (6)

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  • Response
    Response: have a peek here
    Terrific Web site, Preserve the great job. Thanks a ton.
  • Response
    California Squid for Bait - In Stock - Cal Fish News and Updates - CalFishExports.com
  • Response
    California Squid for Bait - In Stock - Cal Fish News and Updates - CalFishExports.com
  • Response
    California Squid for Bait - In Stock - Cal Fish News and Updates - CalFishExports.com
  • Response
    Squid is a very popular ingredient for carp bait such as boilies
  • Response
    Response: live chat
    California Squid for Bait - In

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