Get to know... Yellowfin Tuna

Yellowfin tuna are easily recognized by their color. The second dorsal fin and anal fin on these fish are bright yellow, thus the name "yellowfin". The species has become one of the most popular tuna species as it is widely used in raw fish dishes, including sushi and sashimi.
Yellowfin tuna are found across the world in tropical and subtropical seas, including off the coasts of Hawaii, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, Africa, Australia. However, they are absent from the Mediterranean Sea. Although they are a popular sport fish, they are also caught commercially by one of three methods: pole and line, purse seine or longline.
Yellowfin tuna inhabit the upper 100 meters of the water column, and schooling occurs more commonly in near-surface waters. The fish are large, and can reach weights of over 300 pounds
Cal Fish Exports offers Yellowfin tuna, as well as other varieties of tuna. Shipment to any location within the United States, or export to another country is possible. Please contact for more information.
Photo Credit: San Diego Anglers
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