Cal Fish News & Updates

Entries in Fish (8)


We Ship To Asia

Cal Fish Exports can export full container loads of seafood products from the United States to China, Japan, Thailand, as well as other countries throughout Asia.  If you are interested in shipping seafood to Asia, please contact for more price quotes and more information on the products that we have to offer


Farmed vs. wild salmon: Can you taste the difference?

Does wild salmon tastes better than farmed?  The Washington Post decided to find out in a blind taste testing to see if there really is in fact a better tasting salmon.

"The fish swam the gamut. We had wild king from Washington, frozen farmed from Costco, and eight in between, including Verlasso farmed salmon from Chile, which is the first open-pen farmed salmon to get a Seafood Watch “buy” recommendation. The tasters came from the Food section and the local seafood scene. The judgments were definitive, and surprising..."

Photo Credit: National Geographic



Tuna has some interesting relatives…

According to Science Daily, “deep sea fish such as the black swallower, with an extendable stomach that enables it to eat fish larger than itself, and manefishes, some sporting spiky fins like a Mohican haircut, are close cousins to mackerels and tuna”? Most people think that tuna is in a category of its own; but that may not be the case according to an Oxford study.

Dr Matt Friedman of Oxford said, ‘Discovering that such radically different fish species are related is a bit like finding that a seal is more closely related to a cat than it is to a walrus!' Dr. Friedman went on to say, 'What was immediately clear from our result is that the extended family of tunas and mackerels is made up of fishes that all look very different from one another, with different ways of life, but which share one key trait: they all dwell in the open ocean.'


Read the entire story at Science Daily


Get to know....Bonito Tuna

Bonito tuna are a group of medium sized fish in the Scombridae family.

Cal Fish Exports typically offers Pacific Bonito (Sarda chiliensis lineolata).  This fish is found from in the Pacific Ocean, from Vancouver island to Chile, although it is not normally found north of Point Conception.  The fish is a blueish/purplish color on top, and silver on the bottom.  It has about 10 stripes on its back.  These fish travel in schools and mainly feed on squid and and other fish.  They can get rather big: up to approximately 40 inches in length and 25 pounds.

Cal Fish Exports does have Pacific Bonito Tuna in stock and ready for shipment.  Contact for pricing and more information on current availability.

Photo Credit: Cal Fish Exports


We have Humboldt Giant Squid in stock

Cal Fish Exports now has Humboldt Giant Squid in stock.  We currently have:

  • Whole Round, Not Cleaned
  • 400-700 grams per squid
  • Packed in 15 kg cartons 
  • Whole Round, No Guts - Bait Grade
  • 1-3 kilo per squid
  • Packed in 15 kg cartons

We're also currently packing tubes, tentacles and wings separately in 15 kg cartons.  

Contact for more information and current prices.

Photo Credit:


Get to know... Yellowfin Tuna

Yellowfin tuna are easily recognized by their color. The second dorsal fin and anal fin on these fish are bright yellow, thus the name "yellowfin".  The species has become one of the most popular tuna species as it is widely used in raw fish dishes, including sushi and sashimi.

Yellowfin tuna are found across the world in tropical and subtropical seas, including off the coasts of Hawaii, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, Africa, Australia. However, they are absent from the Mediterranean Sea.  Although they are a popular sport fish, they are also caught commercially by one of three methods: pole and line, purse seine or longline.

Yellowfin tuna inhabit the upper 100 meters of the water column, and schooling occurs more commonly in near-surface waters.  The fish are large, and can reach weights of over 300 pounds

Cal Fish Exports offers Yellowfin tuna, as well as other varieties of tuna.  Shipment to any location within the United States, or export to another country is possible.  Please contact for more information.


 Photo Credit: San Diego Anglers


What Are Otoliths?

Who knew that such tiny fish ear bones, also known as otoliths, are like tree rings for the ocean. They consist of a layer of calcium carbonate laid down each year offers a snapshot of both the fish's yearly growth and its surrounding ocean conditions. According to the Seattle Times, "A tiny white sliver inside the heads of fish could hold evidence of a century's worth of humans wrecking the environment: atomic bombs, overfishing, even climate change. " Maybe this can help us find a way to keep our oceans healthy for many years to come.

Photo Credit: Tennesee Wildlife Resources Agency





FDA Adds New Rules For Importing

The FDA has implemented two new rules when importing food and now requires companies to audit their foreign suppliers. The two new rules require American importers to verify that their foreign suppliers are using “modern prevention-oriented food safety practices” and “achieving the same level of food safety as domestic growers and processors.”

Read the whole story here